My name is Jenny . . . and I'm addicted to reading blogs of people I dont' know personally.
Come on, I know there has to be other people out there who do the same thing right?!
Case in point: Every Tuesday a group of "ladies" from church meet together at a local coffee shop to sip our coffee and chat. Good times I assure you. On one of these night outs I came out of the closet and admitted that I had a blog. It was time to share this news with people that I associate with and was assured that what I was writing was not incriminating. It was responded to well and my heart grew bigger. A couple of coffee talks later some friends were talking about another friend of theirs who no longer attend church here. My ears perked up as I realized I knew this person because I read her blog on an occation or two. I made a couple of comments about the said girl and the others look at me like I had just walked in from Mars.
"How do you know Jessica?"
"I have read her blog."
"Do you know her?"
"No. But she has an interesting blog."
"Jenny, you have WAY to much time on your hands."
Feelings hurt just a little bit, but I do enjoy reading other people's blog. So many have interesting stories to share. A new marriage and all the ups and downs, a newborn baby and the uncertainties, young children and the days of pulling your hair out and other stories that bring peace to my heart in knowing they struggle with issue that I deal with too.
All this to say that last night for the first time I met the infamous Jessica, who's blog I had been reading for so long. Pam invited her to come down to our coffee talk night and we sat around chatting until 12:30 a.m. ! Late night for me for sure but I had a great time talking and she was just as funny and interesting in person as she is in print! I added her blog to the right so you should check it out for yourselves!
Now, all of you reading this blog. Do you know me? Do you read other blogs of people you don't know. Do you secretly check the blogs I have linked to the right and you have NO IDEA who these people are. I do, and I am not ashamed to say it.
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I just read this crazy person's blog....
so glad you could finally meet in person. someday i will start my own blog so you can stalk me too. :)
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