Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter Pics

Here are some pictures from Easter. My friend Jenny took all the pictures that you see and I am so glad she did. I have no problem taking pictures of my boys on a day to day basis but when it comes to big holidays I totally drop the ball. I am not sure what the problem is but every Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and all birthdays I only have 3 to 5 pictures and they are not anything to brag about. Last year I waited 3 weeks after Easter was over to get the boys "Easter pictures" taken and I still haven't gotten them taken this year. I did take a few from the morning festivites but I will not scare you with those pictures:) The tractor picture is from that evening when we went to Jenny's house. That is her son Gunner who Cooper loves to play with. The boys are hunting eggs after Sunday services. It was 85 degrees out and it was HOT! Both boys made out like bandits and had no problem with the concept of egg hunting. *Sigh* I am just glad it is over. As my brother mentioned yesterday, I'm not as young as I use to be. (insert angry face)

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