Monday, August 21, 2006

The celebration of Joel's first birthday was fantastic. We met at an amazing park that was fully enclosed so no worries of the kids wandering away. The party didn't start until seven so the weather was in our favor. We had to bribe the kids to pose for the picture with rewards of birthday cake. My older nieces were there to, but they decided they were to mature for this picture;)

We have enjoyed an extended weekend at my parents house. It is nice to let the boys play outside and wear themselves out each day. There have been less fights and tantrums and more getting along which makes the mommy happy.

My new second cousin Wilder was born on Thursday afternoon. He looks precious and perfect just like a newborn should. Shelly had an unbelievable third world country type delivery that shook the family. Events happened that should never happen to a mother and child and they all need our prayers.


Audrey said...

Okay, you need to elaborate about Shelly. I remember her from your wedding and I took a look at her blog. Is Wyatt potty trained? I am so jealous!

Anonymous said...

i never said i was to mature. i just didnt see anyone telling me to get in the picture. i guess i just dont have a cute enough cheese for yall??
haha- meridith

Jenny said...

Meridith, You have a BEAUTIFUL cheese! I had motioned you two for the picture and I got a fake smile, maybe you thought I was kidding? How was the first day of school?

Jenny said...

Do you have an email? I will elaborate about Shelly there but hate to on the internet for all to see. No, Wyatt is not potty trained. He wants to wear underwear but still has accident after accident. He doesn't seem ready although he is showing signs. I plan on putting all attention on that phase after the holidays!

Anonymous said...

uh wow. my first day of school. it was like one of those shockers where you realize that NOT everyone showers regularly and that alot of people are doing good to function on a basic human level. haha. but it was good. i hung out with some people that i knew. my schedule is all messed up in my classes im either with all freshmen or like seniors and such. it seems that i dont have any "normal" sophmore classes. haha. i ended up hanging with ben and some people that i had went to carver with. they introduced me to people. i dont think i have ever said my "IM Meridith" so many times in my whole life. haha. im actually in my computer class right now and im not gonna lie THERE ARE SOME REALLY WEIRD PEOPLE... if this is the normal then I DONT WANT TO BE NORMAL. haha. so day two is a little bit better, i didnt get home til like 8 last night cause i went and hung out at bens. wish me luck on actually making friends. hope things are good.

Anonymous said...

Shelly's baby was born on Wednesday afternoon, August 16. Remember on Joel's birthday. Aren't you glad you have family to correct everything you say!


Jenny said...

I thought Thursday was the 16th! I know they share the same birthday. Thanks for the correction notice. Oh, thanks for picking a spot that has NO cabins where you all will be camping!! We all decided not to go anyway;)