Thursday, September 14, 2006

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Even though the directions on my feather down comforter says it is dry clean only does not mean that it really is, right?

As I go to pull my comforter out of my washer I notice a corner of the thing had gotten caught in the spinner. Upon further investigation I detect a small burnt odor and itty bitty rip in that same corner. Not to be stopped in my quest to prove that you can wash an item that is meant for the dry cleaner, I pull out the comforter and load the soaking wet feathers into the dryer. Exactly one hour later I open my beloved dryer door. *Poof* I am covered in feathers, they continue to rise from the dryer drifting up to the ceiling and then slowly making their descend to the floor. I get my laundry basket and carefully pull my mass of feather madness from the dryer. As I try to stuff everything into the basket, light airy feathers continue to shower me and the apartment. As soon as I get all I can contain into my basket I head to the trash bin outside, more feathers following me with each step.

I head back inside to clean up the dryer and hallway floor and every other spot that the feathers have found to rest. By this time the boys can sense that there is trouble and find me immediately. As they run towards me the feathers get excited and again start swooshing around making their way up to the ceiling and slowly descending down. "It's snowing!!" Cooper yells. As they hit the floor and blow the 'snow' all around.

After the initial excitement ends I get the vacuum. That is a no go. The air from the vacuum only makes the feathers fly. As I am on my hands and knees plucking each itty bitty feather from the floor I have my first audible two way conversation with my two year old.

"Wht hapend?"

"Mommy made a mess."


"Just did."

"ooohhh, tis ucky."

Next time I will have it dry cleaned. It is worth any cost.

House update. Framing complete!! It was dusk before we got to the house last night so this is the best picture I could get. All rooms are identifiable and we are picking out doors, tubs and showers. Up next, roofing.


jessica said...

Your house is going so fast. Looks like it will be dried in before it is even near winter thats great!

Anonymous said...

It looks so big! I can't wait to see it in person. Have you got all the feathers picked up? I can just see Wyatt asking what happened?Ha!


Jenny said...

Mom, Does this mean you plan a visit this way soon? You said you want to see it in person! How's next week, okay, I'll mark my calendar. I STILL have feathers in my hallway, I think they are multiplying:(

Jessica, What the heck does dried in mean?

jessica said...

Sorry, I thought that was a common term. I guess only in my family it is. That means it will be rain and snow proof (outside mainly finished). It is always good to get it "dried in" before winter because it will move things along quicker. You won't be held up b/c of the weather.

Gina said...

That is an awesome story....and sounds so much like something I would so. I was laughing so hard that I had to read it to Damon.
Oh by the way...nice house! Much nicer than anything you'll find on a base!!