Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Current Favorite Aunt & Uncle

The boys were able to spend last weekend with my sister Amy and her new husband John. I don't think the two of them completely understood how much time our two little boys can be or they wouldn't have agreed to an entire weekend;) Amy said it was my "pay" for watching their dog, Dayton, while they were on their honeymoon, but I think I got the better deal. I wasn't near as tired as the two of them were at the end of my time(insert sly smile).

I met John halfway on Friday evening and I was a little worried because Cooper can be a bit standoffish when his schedule is off and Wyatt doesn't talk around people, unless I am around. I knew the moment John walked in to McDonald's and the boys started jumping around and talking nonstop that they would be fine, it would be my sister and John whom I needed to be concerned about. I happily pulled the carseats out and put them in John's car and watched as they drove away, excited about my weekend alone with Brian.

John's parents have a farm that the boys got to visit on Saturday and by the pictures they seemed to have had a fabulous time! Cooper is still talking about the tractor and his experiences driving it and how Dayton is the best dog ever.

Cooper & Wyatt decided to get sick on Sunday morning with throwing up and all. They do know how to give a full picture of raising kids! When we got there to pick them up Amy had dropped them off at Mom's house to finish up. I think I got my money's worth;)

Thanks Uncle John and Aunt Amy . . . can't wait for our next visit!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have no comments on this post. The boys look like they were having a blast!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Brian broke ribs at the family reunion. He sure didn't look like he had hurt himself. Strong man, I am inpressed. Maybe the boys will inherit his tolerance of pain.

Love your blog. The boys are sooooo cute.
