Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dear Wyatt's future wife: I am sorry. I really did try to teach him manners, we worked on them everyday. Look on the bright side, think of all the extra nurtrients you now get in your milk from all his backwash. Yes, we did have cups. Lots of them. He said the milk taste better this way. It's your problem now.

Your favorite mother-in-law


Amy said...

He is totally oblivious to the camera. Too cute! I enroll for school on Monday.

jessica said...

He is getting so big! Isn't it is time for another one?

Jenny said...

Amy, have fun going back to school! I bet it will much more interesting now that you know what you want to do.

Jessica, HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! He's not that big, yet.

Anonymous said...

He is precious - I love it!

Jenny said...

I am so impressed that Grandma made a comment! You are very computer smart and I guess that is what makes you so young;)

Shelly Collins said...

I want to see costumes! Did you come for the Arbonne party this weekend? Sorry I missed you if you did. Maybe I can make it to Amy's in Dec.