Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Huz & House

My husband is about as wimpy as men come when he gets sick. The slightest sniffle or head cold and he is doubled over in bed drinking TheraFlu. He tries to convince me that he has the worst cold that has ever happened and thinks he is suffering more than anyone has in the world. I look forward to these illnesses about twice a year and I try to get out of the house as much as possible. BUT! When things are really terrible with the husband he denies any signs of hurt and continues on with life in full force. Here are three examples.

1. Three years ago with all four of his wisdom teeth being removed from his mouth I am leading him to the car where he tells me he is "Superman." We had quite the comical conversation on the way home and that evening I called 911 twice when he passed out and wouldn't come to. The very next evening he was eating and drinking and carrying on like nothing was wrong or that he hadn't just had major surgery. I was impressed to say the least.
2. Two years ago an evening began with complaints of a stomach ache. Great, I thought, the first illness of the year . . . let the complaining begin. His complaining was minimal, although he was up all night getting in and out of bed. He ate a supersize bottle of Tums with no relief, and I even had a good nights sleep. He got up the next morning at 5 a.m. to make his PT commitment with his group and when he got back home to take a shower he looked like death. I made him go to the hospital right away with me and our two small boys where we found out he needed his appendix out and went right into surgery within an hour. He was a rock star in my book.
3. At our family reunion while out riding the deathly four wheeler he returned to tell me about a jump he took and how he "hit his stomach pretty hard." That was a Saturday night over a week ago. He had mentioned it on and off the past week and last Saturday(one full week later) he spent SEVEN hours trimming the trees on our acre, with no complaints. Monday morning he went to the doctor, he must have been in some intense pain. Husband had broken a couple of ribs! What?! The doctor gave him some great pain pills and he is now required to sit on the couch and do nothing for the next two weeks. This has been harder than it sounds for him!

Hats off to husband in the deathly ill department, he can put up with alot! It's the small stuff he needs to get over;)

HOUSE UPDATE: Internet, we have walls!! It is amazing how much bigger the house looks with walls, I was thrilled to see the progress. The picture of the left was taken with me standing in the front door, you are looking into the living room. The picture on the right is me standing in Wyatt's bedroom door and looking down the hallway. A hallway! YEAH!! Our trim carpenter starts this week and will be finished by the end of next week. The greatest news of all . . . our brick will be here November 6th! This makes me want to dance for all to see, but for now just the boys get to see the excitement. Things are moving along quite nicely.

As mentioned before, we spent seven hours trimming and removing branches on our acre. It was a huge task and we are not even half way complete. Brian had the grand idea of trimming the trees ourselves. Granted it will save alot of money that can be used somewhere else, but it is a big physical commitment. I have scratches up and down my arms and Brian is a certified lumberjack;) The boys had a fabulous time playing in a big pile of sand and playing baseball with the teeball set we have. I look forward to having a yard again. And a garage, and no upstairs weird neighbors, and no white walls, and a dishwasher that works, and my own bathroom, and bed frames, and winter clothes, and . . .


jessica said...

Wow! He is quite the trooper!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much has been done since I was there!


Anonymous said...

sounds like Brian and Blake have something in common called Stubborness!! must be a man thing. i'm so excited for your house, what a blessing! can't wait to see it.


Unknown said...

It's definitely a "man thing." Neal is exactly the same. Your house and Jeremy's house seem to be at about the same stage. Their cabinets are installed in the kitchen and laundry room and most of the trim work is complete. I KNOW they are ready to get OUT of MY house and INTO THEIRS!!!

Anonymous said...

ummmm... b-day party during the OU game...not cool.
