For the THIRD time this year Cooper's name came up on the calendar for snacks and show & tell. When the January calender came out and I saw Cooper's name again, the blood pressure began to rise. Why do I feel stressed about it? Coming up with a (healthy)snack for 25 kids and 3 teachers and one that Cooper will be proud to present to his class and share with all his friends is intimidating for me. I am not the crafty type and I like my food simple. The first time I let Cooper decide and he chose bananas, that's it. I bought 28 bananas along with some Cheese Its and called it 'good'. Second time around it was for Cooper's birthday. I bought individual cups of vanilla ice cream from Braums and stuck in chocolate syrup. It was a hit! Now here we are again. What did I bring? Crackers & Cheese. Still I feel we will be up again a few more times until the end of the year. Anyone have ideas?

Monday morning he dressed up in his camo outfit(to look like Dad) and would strut around the house telling me how all his friends would love his outfit. I walked Cooper into his class with his snack and show & tell bag and he went right up to a group of boys playing and said, "Hey guys, look at me, I am an Army guy!" The boys oohhed and aahhed and it was cute to see.

That's a really cute idea. He looks so big!
Jacob loves trail mix, especially the one with dried cranberries. You could buy the big bag at Walmart/Sam's and divide it into small individual snack bags. (You might have to make sure no one has allergies to nuts.) I think some of the trail mixes are nutless?
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