Monday, March 12, 2007

For Cristie

See? I did respond and left it for all to read. My sister would also be proud, she loves these things. Happy Monday!

1. What is your occupation?
2. What color are your socks right now?
3. What are you listening to right now?
Wyatt making sounds of the fire truck he is playing with & Cooper asking who is who in each picture of the photo album.
4. What was the last thing that you ate? a bowl of Shredded Wheat
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, thank you to the 'Vette I drove when I turned sixteen . . . the CHEVETTE!
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?Yellow, I'm missing the sun;)
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone?My husband. He's in Iowa right now.
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you?I do! Wished she lived closer though
9. How old are today?31
10. Favorite drink? Dr. Pepper
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? OU football
12. Have you ever dyed your hair?partial highlight, not changed it completely
13. Pets? do kids count?
14. Favorite food?chips & salsa
15. What was the last movie you watched? Can't remember, I am more of a TV person
16. Favorite day of the year? Christmas
17. What do you do to vent anger? clean
18. What was your favorite toy as a child?Little People play sets
19. What is your favorite fall or spring? BOTH!
20. Cherries or blueberries? cherries
21. Living arrangements? house with my husband and our two boys
22. When was the last time you cried? two days before my husband left, we were fighting because tensions were high before he leaves, I cried to relieve the stress. I try to hide when this happens so nobody sees me. I don't want to seem "weak" but the crying makes me feel so much better!
23. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes!
24. What did you do last night? went to Life Group with my parents and tried to watch TV, but all were reruns!
25. Favorite smells? Fresh Christmas trees and the smell of clean, Lysol!
26. What are you afraid of? staying alone at night and most things that I cannot have complete control of.
27. What inspires you? hard working people & good music
28. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? cheese with BBQ sauce
29. Favorite dog breed? chocolate Labs
30. Number of keys on your key ring? 3, I like to keep it simple
31. Favorite day of the week? Monday, everyone else is back to the "day job" so it is the perfect day to relax in the morning from a busy weekend and do errands in the afternoon when no one is out.
32. How many years at your current job? almost 3, I was an elementary teacher before Wyatt was born
33. How many states have you lived in? ONE!
34. Your favorite thing to do? sit outside and read a good book, run in races & hanging out with my family
35. What has been your favorite vehicle to have? the truck I have now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I'm so honored!!!! I've tried calling you but have had NO luCK in that department--even tried calling Brian at work to get ahold of ya'll--of course he wasn't there either!! Man you guys are hard to keep up with!!! Hope your doing well!! Talk soon--hopefully!!
Oh and kuddos to you for spelling the name right---that's a VERY RARE commodity in my world!!!