Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Camping lets us know summer is quickly approaching. VBS is knowing summer IS HERE! This is our second year to attend Grandma & Papa's church VBS and we are going to make it an annual summer time event. Both boys are able to participate this year and are even in the same 'unit.' The theme is Soldier of God and the boys are loving every moment of learning how to be a good soldier. They love saluting and telling about their armor for God.
The night activities don't begin until 7:00 and I try to get a nap in for them each day. Cooper falls asleep quickly and gets a good hour, but Wyatt hasn't napped all week. He is pretty cranky by the evening, so he has had a few meltdowns. By the time we leave the building around 9:00 you would think he would be passing out. This is not the case. He has been so overstimulated by all the activities he has not been falling asleep until 11:00 or later. ONE good thing about this is that he has been sleeping until 9:30 or 10:00 the next morning. It will be nice to get back to our regular schedule.
I have been in charge of the fifth & sixth graders, as I am their 'Sergeant.' They are a lively group made of mostly girls. Last night I had the biggest group with 27. I have been very impressed with all the creativity at the church and it has been a very successful VBS. Thursday is the last night and we are having a cookout for everyone and a slide show of the week. Brian will be coming to get us so he will be able to see what we have been up to and what all he missed out on, hee! hee!
My brother's family finally moved closer to my parents so they have been coming to VBS with us. Cooper spent the night with Jacksen last night, which was his very first sleepover with someone other than Grandma & Papa. He was very excited and enjoyed packing his suitcase for the night. Jessica said he did great and slept on the bottom bunk of Jacksen's bunk bed and now he keeps telling me he wants a bunk bed when he turn five.
I love having them so much closer. Just this week we have been able to spend our days going to the splash pad, eating at McDonald's and having sleep overs. Yeah for moving back!!

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