Tuesday, July 03, 2007

First 'Fat Lip'

After our Sunday night Life Group meeting all the kids were outside playing while the adults stood around chatting & supervising. I had given the boys the five minute call and was getting our things together to leave. To speed up the process of getting to the car I challenge the boys to a race to see who could get to the car the fastest. Off they went running with all their little might. I am strolling to the car finishing my conversation feeling pretty proud of myself for getting everyone to leave without complaining. I look up just in time to see Wyatt hit the gravel driveway and trip over his feet and hit his face smack on the car running boards. He stays on the ground crying and as I get closer I see the huge pool of blood on the driveway. I scoop him up and use the socks I had taken off Cooper earlier in the evening to try to stop the bleeding. Thankfully we have a doctor in our group, Charlotte, who takes a good look at it. She thinks it needs stitches and that we need to go to the ER! I start freaking out for not being more careful and we are off to the hospital. I start second guessing the stitches because once we leave he stops crying and doesn't seemed bothered by it at all. It would be traumatic to have a needle in your mouth and I didn't want the drama if it was totally necessary. I call Charlotte back and ask what would happen if we didn't go. We weighed the options and decided not to go to the hospital but to Sonic because we were starving. Wyatt was none the wiser and ate an entire corn dog & fries and never complained about his lip.

The next day it was so swollen and gross and I thought we would have issues every time he ate. Nope! He was one brave boy.

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