Thursday, October 27, 2005

Camping 101

We survived another year of a camping Family Reunion at Turner Falls. The "elders" of this group get to decide where the event will take place and when. It changes from year to year but the month stays the same, October. It is usually cool, fall like conditions during this time and I look forward to dressing accordingly. Not so much this time. I still packed like I wanted it to be outside but instead we had warm, spring like weather and I was sweating. My poor children had to wear the same shorts everyday because their mother was not prepared *gasp* for the OCTOBER weather.

Just getting to this reunion was a headache itself. I'm not sure what it is about any vacation but Brian and I are always surprised at how stressful it all can be. Getting an RV ready, packing, making sure the vehicle is running correctly, updating insurance, packing, getting the menu ready, packing and cleaning nearly sends me to the mental ward at the local hospital. Once we left our home I looked at Brian with the statement, "At least we are still married!" Ha. Ha.

I am glad we are home. I look forward to the boys getting just a little bit older because it is more work taking them out somewhere than anything else. Cooper did fine although his sleep schedule was off so he was a "fit thrower" and Wyatt had to be monitored at all times. It wears me out. We had an awful bee problem and if anything was left out we had a swarm of bees that you had to constantly be aware of. When you camp things are going to be left out, so bees were a constant pain. On Saturday Wyatt had just gotten up from his nap and I was walking back from the camper and saw Mom's drink sitting on the table. Now I had just seen her take a drink from it and it had a straw so I went to pick it up to give Wyatt a drink. He eagerly went for a drink and has soon as the liquid went in his mouth he froze, the liquid came back out and then I saw the problem, a BEE WAS IN HIS MOUTH!!!!! The bee quickly flew out but the damage was already done, it had stung Wyatt in the roof of his mouth. G R E A T. He is screaming and I am dumbfounded on what to do when others start freaking out how I need to get Benadryl immediately because he could have an allergic reaction. Hello, we. are. out. in. the. middle. of. NOWHERE!!!! My dad takes myself, Wyatt and my sister Amy out to find something. Long story short we found the medicine we needed and all was well but the whole event was the icing on the cake of a long weekend. So glad to be home!


Anonymous said...

Get a job, you have way too much time on your hands. Love your husband.

Jenny said...

Yeah John has a BLOG! I am so excited someone other than Mom, Amy or Brian comments!!!!!

Wish you would have had as much luck as Brian did!