Thursday, November 03, 2005

I thought carving a pumpkin for the upcoming festivities of Halloween would be a fun, educational time for the whole family. Cooper would get to see what a pumpkin was, he would be in awe when he got to see the "insides" of the pumpkin and smile with excitement when the finish product was presented. Um . . . no, wasn't happening that way.

We had went out to eat when I got the bright idea to go to a pumpkin patch. After driving around Norman for an HOUR we found not ONE PUMPKIN PATCH! What's up with that? By this time it is dark, the kids are screaming for sitting so long in a car and we are getting nowhere. We decide to go home and carve a pumpkin. When we finally arrive home Cooper starts crying because he wants to go to a "patch" even though he has no idea what one is, so I tell him we can carve one and he can help!

We go inside the house and I pull out the new carving book I had gotten at Target for this very occasion and sat the pumpkin on the cabinet. For the first two minutes Cooper was excited and liked to look at the pictures of what his pumpkin could be. Wyatt had no interest whatsoever so he was creating havoc on me so I was missing out on my child's first carving experience.

Not much was I missing. The pictures you see where taken over a three hour period. Cooper spent two minutes to watch and then he wanted to get down and torture his brother and run around like a crazy man. Brian was so into the stupid pumpkin he wasn't any help but to call me over to see the progress and set Cooper back on the chair to take ANOTHER picture. I was worn out from the day, so to say I was stress is an understatement because I was chasing, redirecting and saving each child from the other. By time the pumpkin was finished I thought my boys life was over.

See the cute pumpkin that brought our family closer and built memories to last a lifetime? His eyes are jacked up. Good times had by all:)

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