Wednesday, November 02, 2005

True American

In my perfect world I try to get Cooper up 30 minutes or so before Wyatt so I can have one on one time with him. Cooper is a SLOW riser and is very affectionate in the morning so I look forward to our time. The following is a conversation we had this morning, not unlike other mornings.

The set-up: Brian had left a pair of his boxers in the living room, they look like the American Flag.

Cooper: Coming into the living room, just after dragging himself out of bed. "Uh-oh."
Me: "What's wrong?"
Cooper: "The American flag fell, Oh-no!"
Me: "What?!" I have no idea what he is talking about because I'm in the kitchen . . . cooking a gormet breakfast, in my size three jeans. Hush. This is my story!
Cooper: Bringing me the boxers/American Flag. "The American flag fell, Mom, put it up high." "Okay?"
Me: "Great idea, I will put it up high next time!" Didn't feel like telling him it was just his dad's underwear. Plus, I was amazed at what he knew to do with the flag. American soldier in training.
Cooper: "Can I have some chocolate?"

*Sigh* When will he forget about his Halloween candy. I've almost eaten it all anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have hung Brian's shorts on the flag pole outside!
That would have been so cute. It sounds like Cooper has Halloween down to a science. He will be an expert next year. See you next week for the big 3!
