"Cooper, I need you to go potty before we leave."
"I just did that l a s t week." As he storms off to his room and slams the door.
Heading to Barnes and Nobles to buy a book, Toys R Us is just next door.
"I want to go to Toys R Us."
"Sorry Cooper, I don't have any money for Toys R Us."
"But Mom, I LOVE Toys R Us." As he is crying and yelling all the way to the car.
After lunch the boys are enjoying Higgle Town Heros while I fold some clothes.
"Wyatt is looking at my TV."
"Cooper, it is the family living room TV, we are all looking at it and that is okay."
"Stop yelling at me." He yells while running to his room again to quietly shut the door.
Wyatt is down for his nap and Cooper is on his way. I have turned around to notice all the laundry I have just folded and put in the basket is thrown all over the couch and Cooper is sitting in the basket, grinning.
"Let's go read."
After finishing his two books I head to the light switch and turn around and see him quietly sitting on the bed with his special blanket, sucking on it.
"I love you Cooper."
"No you do not."
I can't win. I need a nap.
1 comment:
Meridith, I know! He is JUST LIKE YOU!!!! Ha . . .
Amy, That's is to awesome! Aren't you glad I introduced you to EBay? Put it on your blog so I can see it!!
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