Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dearest Wallet,
I cannot believe the crazy stunt you pulled this week. Hiding beside the washer from me was just plain mean. Thankfully you became stuck in the ironing board and, being the domestic goddess I am, found you on Sunday morning. Here I was rushing to get my clothes ironed for Sunday worship and as I grab the ironing board out, there you are! You had me worried sick all week. Even had me canceling credit cards and changing my bank accounts. You should be ashamed of yourself. I thought you had been stolen from my life and there you were HIDING! Just to let you know I will never let you out of my sight again. You are banished to be under my arm forever. Thank you for coming out of hiding and sealing my fate as my mother.



Anonymous said...

tut tut tut. lucky you. so what about spring break?

Jenny said...

Just wondering if this was your spring break and if you were doing anything exciting?!

YES!! Transmission went out on my car today but I still plan on coming. I thought we could try on dresses! Mom said they are having a sale. I need to find a babysitter for "the boys." I want mom to come too.

Anonymous said...

Did someone say they need a babysitter????


Jenny said...

We will be up there this weekend, maybe you can ride back down with us and stay! Tell you what . . . I will give you a FREE place to stay for the week and I won't charge you for food AND you can babysit?! How's that for a plan:O

Are you volunteering to babysit?! You know Amy has already signed you guys up to come down April 22nd to overnight babysit. I know you are counting down the days:)

Anonymous said...

Sure i'll watch the boys! Just pop in a movie right?