Tuesday, March 28, 2006

We are having a rough week. Wyatt fell(pushed by Cooper) and slit open his left eye on the corner of a desk. Aunt Amy "nudged" Wyatt off my parents deck and scraped his right side of his face. He ran into our bedroom entertainment center corner and has a black eye on the right side too. We will be lucky to keep this child alive by age five.

I also have a military ball coming up this weekend and I have to find a dress to wear. Much fun! Insert my face into Wyatt's facial expression and you will see how exciting this will be for me. I have finally made it back to the pre Cooper weight which was my goal but somehow things are "different" Not really sure what is going on. Where did my body go?

Another successful coffee talk night with the girls. I am upset I have to wait a whole month until it starts up again. This was beginning to be my outlet for the week. What am I to do for a WHOLE month?! I'll miss you girls. You all need to start a BLOG! Yeah Odra:)

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