Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wyatt's birthday is only a couple of weeks away but he already showing signs of having that 2 year old attitude! This is the look of the "angry eyebrows" that is given any time he is told no or life isn't going his way. He can scrunch those eyes so close together you almost see smoke coming out of them and have to dodge the fire that is heading your way. And I thought he was going to be my laid back baby:) Step inside our front door and you will hear lots of crying, bodies thrashing on the floor and doors slamming. Oh, and the sound of Wyatt hitting anything he is mad at. When will you be here for a visit? Here are some statements I make about a thousand times a day. (1) We do not hit Mommy, that is not nice. (2) Cooper, get off Wyatt. (3) We wrestle with Daddy, not Mommy. (4) No yelling/screaming Wyatt, that hurts Mommy's ears. (5) Time out, three minutes. (6) Did you wipe? (7) Hands off! (8) Wyatt, no hitting. (9) Be nice! (10) You are brothers, love each other and be nice. (11) Stop hitting! (12) No. (13) I love you too.

I am barely keeping my head above water at this stage. Days are long and nights fly by. I know, it is all just a stage but may it be a quick one! My saving grace is that both boys sleep 10-12 hours straight a night so I know I always have that to look forward too:)

I have been fighting a terrible cold/allergies, I am not sure what it is. I have had terrible headaches and a general distaste for life in general. I found a prescription I had be given after I had Wyatt for 800 milligrams of Ibuprofen and took it hoping the headache would stop. It dulled it greatly but I haven't been able to completely shake it. Yuck!

Easter was fun and the boys were high on sugar which made for a LONG day! I took tons of pictures in the morning when we all look beautiful with bed head. Cooper loved his Easter basket and enjoyed looking for eggs that the Easter bunny hid in the living room. Wyatt would follow Cooper around and pick up the eggs that Cooper had already gotten the candy out of to put in his basket. There was a slight meltdown with Cooper in the parking lot at church but we all regrouped and were fine by services. They had a big Easter egg hunt after church that both boys excelled at. Wyatt and another boy were after the same egg and Wyatt got there first and the other little boy started crying. Wyatt immediately handed his egg to the boy. So cute! I was proud of him.

That night we went over to the Revlett's house for a cookout and swimming, in APRIL! Good times. I'm looking forward to this weekend because my sister Amy and John are coming down to watch the boys and Brian and I are heading to our "second prom" of the season. The military ball in downtown. If I can find that perfect dress all will be well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of Wyatt. He is sooooooo him! Where's all the bedhead Easter pictures?

I'm telling you, you have allergies and you need a decongestant to get rid of the headache.

Your loving and know it all Mom