Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Curls Are Gone!

I have been back and forth on wanting to cut Cooper's hair for some time. I thought he looked so cute with his shaggy hair and the curls were precious too. I had asked Cooper many times if he wanted to cut his hair and the reply was always no. I figured that was an easy decision, so I won't go over that. Earlier this week while I was getting him ready his daddy asked him if he wanted to cut his hair short, like his. Cooper said yes immediately and yesterday we finally made it to the barber shop. Cooper has gotten his hair trimmed many times, but every time it was done with scissors. This time they used the shears and he wasn't to sure about that, but he sat in the chair and took it like a man;) Wyatt even got in on the action and sat in the other chair all by himself and the lady trimmed him up too! Cooper was so proud of his new 'do and was the topic of conversation at church that night.

Every Wednesday night we eat dinner at church and one of Cooper's good friends Gunner always wants to sit by him. I showed Gunner where Cooper would be sitting so Gunner marked his spot and went off to get his food. Cooper arrived at the table with his plate and sat down to wait for Gunner. Gunner returned and jumped into his seat and then turned to his mom to ask where Cooper was. When she explained that Cooper was sitting next to him Gunner turned and for a few seconds just stared at him and finally broke out in a huge smile. It was a cute moment.

He definitely isn't my baby anymore!


Audrey said...

Looks cute! Carson is the opposite, he hates the scissors and doesn't mind the shears. Makes it easier for me to cut it.

Anonymous said...

But I LOVED his curls! He looks so grown up now!!

Amy said...

His hair!!! He looks way to grown up now, put the curls back!!

Shelly Collins said...

i liked the curls too but do think he looks handsome with his clean cut, i want to see his face! i'm going back to work on Monday - yikes! I'll be updating my blog this weekend.