As the saying goes, "if you don't like the weather in Oklahoma you will only have to wait a minute for a change!" After a week of enjoying spring like temperatures reaching the mid-seventies we awoke on Thursday morning to a winter wonderland. To think the day before I had my air conditioner on!

The University was closed, so Brian was able to stay home with us for Thursday & Friday, what a blessing for the boys and I. Upon waking up Cooper wanted to get his clothes on and see the snow. Wyatt could care less, but seeing his brother's excitement he wanted to go outside too. Since starting school I broke down and bought Cooper a new coat, hat and gloves. He has all of these things, but all our winter stuff is stuck in the storage unit and we are unable to get to them until we move. Not very smart on my part, but we are managing. So Cooper was all set for the cold, cold weather but Wyatt wasn't so lucky. He had on five shirts plus two fall jackets and to top it off two pairs of socks on each hand. Cute, isn't he? Cooper loved eating the snow and jumped all around while Wyatt observed and would laugh when Cooper did. The snow was falling heavily and the wind was biting cold so we only staying outside for ten minutes, enough time to snap some pictures.
Brian does not sit around very well so on the first day home we braved the cold, harsh winds and blowing snow and headed to the mall, crazy I know! A small perk of living in the apartment is living close to everything within a couple of miles, but we were still the only ones on the road. We let the boys play when we noticed stores were closing to allow the employees to go home before things got worse. We decided to head back ourselves and spent the rest of the day indoors.
Friday we took the boys sledding and Cooper was all about it, even heading down the hill alone

the second trip! Wyatt wasn't so sure and would only go down with much coaxing and with mommy riding with him. He did enjoy the snow ball fights, unless he was hit in the face and then it wasn't cool anymore. Daddy taught Cooper how to make snow angels so the end of the hill was filled with many angels. I only lasted an hour outside when Wyatt and I headed indoors. Cooper and Brian stayed outside the apartment and made a snowman. Cooper was all about the details so we added two pepperonies for eyes, a carrot for a nose and Brian found a stick for a mouth and two more for the arms. As I was asking Cooper to pose for a picture I had to wait for him to add the belly button. After that was in place I told him to stand by his creation.
"Wait Mom, he doesn't have a penis yet!"
(voice heightened)"Cooper, honey, we aren't doing the bottom half of the snowman. See he doesn't have legs either. He is fine just the way you made him."
That was all that needed to be said as he was gathering snow to make the snow penis. Gotta give the kid credit for wanting to be precise;) I could see the neighbors talking about that one!

We have enjoyed spending LOTS of time together as the whole town was shut down for two days and with the weekend following I feel as though we have been on a mini vacation. Due to my packing of the storage unit I put all our winter/Christmas things at the
very back of the unit. I wasn't going to decorate for Christmas this year and was quite depressed about the whole season. I broke down Wednesday and decided to do something and we found the perfect little tree to put up in our tiny apartment and a beautiful angel to adorn the top of the tree. Other than the string of lights and the angel, there are no decorations. Yet it still feels inviting and I love sitting and looking at the lights twinkle in the dark. We ventured out today to visit Santa and both boys were excited to see him and Cooper even spent time telling the jolly man what he wanted for Christmas(toys, duh!). We found the perfect Santa, a stark contrast to the getto one we visited last year, gggrrrr. I love this time of year and now that December is here and we have had our first snow, bring on Christmas!
Other news: OUR BRICK IS FINALLY HERE! They won't be able to actually brick the house until all is dried out, but at least it is here and the waiting for the blessed brick is over. The trim carpenter is complete, next step is the staining and painting. We had to special order about four of our doors and waiting for those to arrive has set us back a bit. No worries. We are now on a month to month basis on our apartment lease, so the end is near. Yeah!
Your boys look like they had a great time. We got more ice than snow, not as much fun. I'm glad you got your tree out. Your boys have to have a Christmas tree!
Cooper looks like the kid from Christmas Story... "I can't put my arms down"
I wonder which kid is your favorite...maybe the one that gets to wear a coat?
Wyatt looks like he can't even move! (also looks like he gained 10 pounds. Ha! )Do you remember me dressing all you kids up in layers? None of you could hardly move. You looked like robots moving around in the yard.
Speaking of coats, I wore your coat to church today. The brown one with fur on it. It matched my pants.Got lots of compliments.
Papa home!
Yes, the snow is beautiful! I know the boys (and parents) had fun in it. Papa was mad because he couldn't get out and enjoy it! But he is home now and feeling pretty good. I'm taking him to the dr. this afternoon.
Love you,
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