Thursday, November 23, 2006

Looking Forward

Our boys can be the best of friends one minute and bitter enemies the next. Sibling relationships are unique and complex and something to be treasured for a lifetime. Cooper is the oldest who likes things orderly and plays by the rules while Wyatt is free spirited and things stay where they may and rules are meant to be bent. They will enjoy sharing a room one day I am sure;) I watched this video a million times since Mother's Day. The two distinct personalities of our boys shine through and I couldn't quit laughing! While we enjoy time together with our extended families for the holidays, let us thank God for the unique qualities of each one!


Anonymous said...

So as much as you want to keep the other one to yourself... I think we would all appreciate the link to the woman with seven children = )

Jenny said...

okay, okay. . .


Anonymous said...

why thankyou very much

Jessica said...

I love that video...cracks me up. "Put down the yardstick!"