Josh & Ashley . . . don't they just look cool?!

Jenneh's 5th birthday party
Following Christmas I couldn't bring myself to pack up all of our things and head back to the tiny apartment so Brian went back for a couple of days to work and we stayed at my parent's house. When all was said and done it was a total of ten days. It would have been eleven, but my mother informed me that ten was plenty and asked if our truck had been packed yet;) In her defense it was a hectic ten days and the boys were not on their best behavior. I tried to explain how they felt comfortable with her and all the fits and crying and lashing out meant that they love her even more. I think she understood, but you wouldn't be able to tell with the frown on her face. I thnk we will wait at least three weeks before visiting again;)
During the 'vacation' Brian and John, who became the favorite sons-n-laws immediately, put up a playhouse that my Mom had been storing for FIVE years! My dad even had to get in on the action to "supervise" the building process. Surprisingly it turned out great even though it needs new siding and a door, but I am sure the grandkids will love it.
While Brian was gone I was knee deep in cabin fever. I try to get out of the apartment as much as possible to keep the boys busy and out of trouble. Brian had taken the truck home so I had no means to get anywhere and for some reason my parents kept leaving me there alone to watch the kids;) Towards the end of the week I was beginning to lose my mind and my awesome sis-n-law, Jessica, saved the day by coming down and hanging out with me for TWO days! Talk about a life-saver! Cooper loves hanging out with Jacksen and thinks he hung the moon. Wyatt & Joel seem to be on the same page now and enjoy 'talking' back and forth. She even took all of us to McDonalds one day for one great adventure.(Care to tell the story Jessica!) Anyway, THANK YOU for coming and helping me out!!!
New Year's Eve was the best I have had in a while! My parents watched the boys and we headed out to eat with my sister Amy & her husband John along with a couple from my parents church who were married this last summer, Josh and Ashley. We all met at Carrabaa's for a delicious meal with a waiter that had the accent of the Godfather, but who hooked us up with free drinks! Afterwards we headed to my sisters house for games. We played a new game called Quip It and it broke the ice immediately and the evening was set. My brother Jonathan and his wife Jessica even made it over that put an icing on the evening. My poor sis-n-law doesn't like the type of game we played. She gets to nervous, which was actually great entertainment for the rest of us(sorry Jessica!). We also played another game, Scene It! I loved it, but it didn't seem to be a hit for the others. Whatever!
New Years Day we had lunch with the family and then celebrated my nephew, Jacksen(turning 7), and niece, Jennah's(turning 5), birthdays. We had to leave the party early because Wyatt was complaining of a stomach ache and was running another fever. Poor guy fought illness all through the holidays! It turned out to be a 24 hour stomach virus.
That evening we left my parents house and headed back to the apartment life. Let the coutdown to the house begin!
About smiling correctly: Hey, one out of four "ain't" bad! Sounds like New Year's eve was a blast! Do you think we shoud make blackeyed peas and cornbread at Papa and Grandma's a New Year's Day tradition???
Love ya!
We do look cool!
I would just like to point out that after years of getting made fun of for the way I used to smile for pictures.. is NOTHING compared to this little gem. I personally like the way everyone's smile has its own special touch of weirdness. = )
love, Meridith
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