Thursday, April 12, 2007

Drum Roll Please!

No more crying, whining or sighing . . . I'M BACK!!!!! I no longer have to take over my husband's office, visit the lame library, randomly show up at friend's houses or drive two hours to my parents house for I am high speed baby!! I got the call Tuesday and I had them scheduled to be at my house at the first appointment Wednesday. I hate to admit I had trouble sleeping that night from all the excitement of my Internet workers coming to reconnect me with the outside world, which only confirms the true colors of my addiction. The next day I checked and rechecked my front windows looking for the red trucks and as they pulled up I jumped quickly out of view so I wouldn't seem weird. Fifteen minutes later I see the screen fill with a homepage I have missed for so long and my eyes begin to water. The man tries to give me the rundown on how to use the Internet and I tell him he can leave, I'm an advanced user. I know, where are my manners?! It feels good to be back. Kids, go back to playing alone, it was a good run but it is over;)

The boys seem to be getting into a routine with the chaos that have been our life the past nine months or so. I have them both on a regular 'rest time' with them even falling asleep on some days. For a fear that we will have to move back to the apartment they are adamant about picking up their toys, cleaning up messes in the kitchen and playing nicely together that I must say I will keep that fear with them. I don't have to threaten them with anything but the idea of moving back to get done what needs to be done;)

I enrolled Cooper into his new school last week for PreK. I took both boys with me because I was under the impression that I would turn my neatly filled out paper work to the nice helper and be on my way to finish the rest of the daily errands. I arrived at 10:30 only to be given the number of '68' and the encouraging words of "it will be awhile". I left at 12:30 with two cranky children and one enraged mom for a quick trip to Sonic only to arrive back at the *#@*#*# school until 4:30 that afternoon. SIX HOURS for a trip I only intended to be five minutes! I am sure I have already made a name for myself at the school to hinder my boys for the rest of their school days, but I found the whole process ridiculous. Finally after being called I entered a room to see the superintendent of the school district along with the principal and secretary. They had to nerve to start the conversation with "How are you doing today?" ACK! All the waiting only to go back on the 17th for the random drawing on where your child will be placed this fall. Good times.

Congrats to my cousin Shelly on the announcement they are expecting their second baby. Wilder will only be 15 months old when the new brother/sister arrives(did she learn nothing from me, ha!) Our boys are in a good place age wise now. I am finally seeing the positives to having them so close together. They are the best of friends and keep each other entertained most of the day. They enjoy Hot Wheel cars and make huge cities in their rooms complete with fire trucks, ambulances and police cars. Brian made a huge dirt pile in the back yard for the boys to enjoy and they will stay outside for hours building a town for their cars and talk back and forth with each other. I hope I can continue to grow their love for one another so they can always be the best of friends.

It's good to be back!


jessica said...

Yeah! It's so good to have you back. I never thought you not having the internet would affect me so much!

Anonymous said...

First let me correct myself...not like a kid on Christmas morning but a kid on Christmas Eve!! As soon as you left that message on Myspace I immediately clicked on your blog to see what was left! Just like Jessica said--who knew YOU not having internet would affect US so much!!
Now it's my turn to do the waiting on Christmas for those pics of the new house! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Your back!


Anonymous said...

Nice to FINALLY hear from you again! So glad you are back!
Papa and Grandma

Unknown said...

Great to have you back. I was without my computer for 4 days and thought I was going to go nuts! I'm right here with ya, baby.