Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Has it really been two weeks since Easter? Spring is already flying by and thankfully so because I cannot put up with one more day of rain. All my rainy day activities are out.

Easter consisted of 4 hours of driving when we decided to go to my parents house for the day. My sister Amy came up with a family lunch and hid all the eggs for the five youngest grandkids, which was fantastic.

We started the morning at our house where the Easter bunny left some goodies for the boys and hid the eggs they had made the night before in the living room. Cooper was the only one interested in finding all the eggs, as Wyatt was trying to stuff as much chocolate in his mouth as possible along with chips, yummy! I was very happy I decided not to buy the boys Easter outfits this year because it was COLD that morning, like it usually is on Easter, so I found some cute 'spring color' sweaters to wear instead of the short sleeve/shorts/sandals option I would've bought. Off to church we go.

We arrived just in time to put them on the stage where the kids were singing a couple of songs for the parents and friends As you can see they were singing their little hearts out. We had practiced the songs at home and they knew them word for word, but there seemed to be alot more interesting things going on around them to notice the woman at the bottom of the stage singing to them. Cooper refused to take his fist out of his mouth, the entire time. Even the evil eye I was giving was doing no good. Wyatt on the other hand was chatting it up with a cute little girl in front of him and living up to his reputation;) This is the same little girl he holds hands with in class I am told. Oh my!

After the 10 minutes of singing we grabbed the boys and headed to the grandparents for a delicious turkey dinner and a round of eggs hunting. Wyatt had to have some help and PaPa was more than happy to, yet Cooper ran all around the yard finding one egg after another on his own. What a difference a year makes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are so cute!
