Monday, April 30, 2007


Wyatt, you are moving too quickly into a young boy that I must stop myself throughout the day and watch you as run your cars across the play track or climb the high rock wall on the play center or drive that little red jeep around and around our house. You are one busy boy!

Independence is growing strongly within you as I witness as I dress you each morning to the sound of "me do it!" "I wear this shirt" "I get my shoes" and as soon as you are dressed, you run into the kitchen for your morning breakfast that you insist on making yourself. As you maneuver your way around getting your waffle out of the freezer, pushing the step stool to the microwave/toaster and cooking it to your perfection I am in awe. When did you get so big?

Even with your desire to do things on your own I still see you needing me. You love to cuddle and give kisses on the lips(much to your brother's disgust). If anyone is hurting you run to their side to offer a hug or a favorite toy of yours to make them feel better. If your feelings get hurt you want me immediately and I can make everything better, I love that! You still let me carry you on my hip even though you only weigh 5 pounds less than your brother.

Listen carefully, let's work on potty training this year, mmmkay? As you woke up dry this morning for the fifth straight day I praised you for keeping your diaper clean & dry. "Let's go use the potty, remember if you go peepee you get your favorite chocolate bar!" 'No mom, I still a baby and Wyatt wears diapers.' You had told me before you would work on being that big boy when you turned three, now's the time kid!

When did you learn to talk so well? You can talk any family members head off and as that head is rolling onto the floor you still continue to talk! You have a huge vocabulary and expect everyone to give eye contact and listen intently as you give your opinions. Thankfully your brother is one of few words, so you can talk as much as you want.

Your brother is your best friend in the whole world. You will do anything for him as he will for you. This past year I have watch your relationship blossom before me as you went from pushing & shoving each other at any chance you got to laying on the race track rug picking cars and playing in your city. You two can talk forever and it is a conversation I can actually follow. What a blessing it is for me. I hope you can always lean on him and he will help guide you in your daily walk and he can look to you for continuous support and love.

Happy birthday 'baby' Wyatt. Even writing those words brings tears to my eyes. Your daddy mentioned tonight how quickly this time is going. I am glad that he is aware because we both actively try to live in the moment of now and spend as much time watching you grow as we possible can. You are our perfect gift from God. We love you with all our hearts!


Amy said...

Ahhhh, little baby Wyatt. I can't believe he is three. Time flies, it is time for someone to have a baby : )
I will probably wait to come down until this weekend. I have to go back to the hospital on Thursday to fill out more stuff for human resouces, plus I don't drive in the rain...yep I am officially driving Miss Daisy. If I don't come this week, I have the rest of May.

Anonymous said...

You say you never get to see me cry, you should have been here tonight to see me read this. Too bad, you were out taking a much needed break, I hope you feel some normality from the daily grind with these boys. Sometimes I think you would rather be working for the recognition etc, then I read this stuff.....Your the best mom in the the world, happy early mother's day.