Brian & I went back out into the waiting room . . . to, um, wait. The doctor came out about 15 minutes later to explain how it all went. There was alot of fluid in the ears and Cooper had been hearing things like he had been under water for some time and we should see a significant difference. We were instructed to give drops in his ears for 5 days and that the nurse will be out to take us back to him.
She arrived shortly after and said that he was doing fine, but had become aware of his unfamiliar surroundings and was crying for us. He acted confused, but quickly calmed down when I was able to hold him on my lap. He needed to eat and drink something before we were able to leave. I knew this would be a challenge with my picky eater.
He complained a little of his right ear and they gave him some Tylenol. Brian got him some Doritos hoping he would eat those and we could leave. He was right and Cooper finished the whole bag in about 10 minutes! He asked me several times where we had went and never seemed to grasp that he was in another area than where we had been in the beginning.
The coolest part for him was the wheelchair ride out to the car. He had his precious blanket with him the whole time and he kept a tight hold on the Doritos bag. We were home by 9:30!
My parents had come down Sunday night to stay with Wyatt. I didn't know what to expect with the whole procedure or how Cooper would feel afterwards. He was outside playing 30 minutes after we got home.
We went and had lunch with my parents before they drove back and Cooper fell asleep for 5 minutes on the drive home and didn't sleep the rest of the afternoon. That evening he seemed to be feeling so well we went ahead and went to his first Tball practice!

He has done great the entire week and doesn't put up much of a fuss over his ear drops we have to do twice a day. What a great recovery!
Wednesday he was back to school. Teacher Laura loaded him into his car seat and we were on our way home.
"How was school today?"
"GREAT!" " I got me a gulfriwnd!"
"You did? What is her name?"
"I don't know."
"Well, how do you know she is your girlfriend?"
"Her told me."
We are so glad Cooper did so GOOD! Can't wait to see all of you at Wyatt's birthday party.
Love you,
Grandma & Papa
I had no idea he was having the surgery so quickly. So glad it went so well.
I want to see pics of the birthday party!
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