Sunday, July 01, 2007

so it begins

The last two months of our Monday evenings and Saturday mornings have been filled with T-ball practices and games. I decided to sign Cooper up to play on his first ever organized sport when his best friend Jack was going to play. It was fun to pick out his little cleats & glove and going over the 'rules' of baseball and why it is the way it is.
He loved to whack the ball as hard as he could and would run with all his might around the bases. The outfield was a different story as every kid seemed to huddle together and watch as a ball would roll right by them. We had about four or five Dads that would play the outfield with the kids so they would see the concept of what they needed to be doing.
These pictures were from his last game where every child received a medal. He was very proud of himself and has his medal on his bed to sleep with every night.
The picture to the left is of Coach Curtis placing the medal around Cooper's neck. The little girl behind Cooper is the daughter of a girl I went to college with that I hadn't seen since we graduated. I knew she looked familiar the first night of practiced and couldn't exactly place her, but as we talked it came back to me. She teaches in the same town I live in and has lived here since she graduated from college. It really brings home the saying 'it is a small world!'
Brian played the part of 3rd coach baseman and made sure that each player was running to the correct base and staying on the base line. He also got to inform the player when they could run for home, which is a blast to see their faces as they head for the home plate. I love this picture of the two of them with Cooper holding his Dad's hand waiting to be told to run in. Brian seemed to enjoy the games as much as Cooper did;)

Jack & Cooper pose with their medals at the end of the game. Another classic picture of Cooper. He refuses to look at my camera and turns suddenly shy as other parents are watching us take a picture. He acts as if he doesn't care at all but once we are in the car I better have a good picture of him to see and then he talks about the game for the rest of the day. Total opposite of me who would be cheesing to the camera as much as possible and showing off my medal for all to see! Like Jack was;)
I am glad to have my Saturday mornings back. I feel this is the beginning of many more baseball events! I need to rest up.


Amy said...

NICE!! Hope Brian doesnt get smoked with a line drive on 3rd.

Unknown said...

Brings back fond memories.

Jenny, how do you get your pictures lined up with your captions? Is it easier if you make your pictures "small?"