Thursday, August 06, 2009

I’ve Got Some Explaining To Do

December 154 Whew. . . summer has flown by and I cannot believe it is August!  The month of July was filled with the boys first daytime church camp, our own VBS, 4th of July, zoo trips and more!  I have finally dug myself out of the all the activities and we are in full swing of school. 

I need a nap.

When looking for a picture for this post I realized I never downloaded all we had done in July.  Over 300 pictures later I am beginning to see how much I need to catch up on. 

Welcome back!  Let the many posts of catch up begin :)

After I take my nap.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back - darling picture! What cute boys you have!
Love you, Grandma

jessica said...

It's about time!

KT said...

Wow! That was fast service!

Jenny said...

Kerri-I am a people pleaser :)

Jessica-you've inspired me!!

Grandma-Those are some cute boys!