Cooper started swim lessons tonight. He will be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next two months for 40 minutes each time. Truth be told I didn't have high expectations for Cooper and the swim lessons. He is a slow to warm up type of guy and my thoughts were he would sit on my lap the entire time refusing to look at anyone or throw a big fit on how he didn't want to swim. I knew I had to go and watch because when I was in elementary school my mom would drop me off at swim lessons and for two years I would go in and then disappear into the bathrooms until class was over, then run for the door. Mom couldn't understand why I wasn't passing class and I sure wasn't going to give her any explanations. The night didn't start out well and he cried when I told him it was time to go and he p
rotested he didn't want to swim and hated water. We arrived 10 minutes early(see I AM learning how to deal with my child) so Cooper could watch the older kids finish their swim lessons and watch how much fun everyone was having. When his time arrived I told him I would walk him to the edge to his teacher or he could walk alone. He chose me to walk him and once he reached his teacher it was smooth sailing! We were so proud of him. He interacted with the other boys and tried everything that the teacher asked, even with us sitting and watching! Yeah Cooper! He was excited and expressed how much he LOVED swim lessons:)
My sister in law Jessica has now joined the blogging world and I am SO excited!! They live about 2 hours away from us and I wish we were much closer, so this is the next best thing. Check her site out under blogs I read. They have three kids Jacksen, Jennah and the newest addition baby Joel. Quite a house full and never a boring place to be! When Cooper use to draw our family picture Jacksen would be included and Wyatt would be left out. Cooper really looks up to his big cousin:) Glad to have you part of the blogging family Jessica!
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