Friday, June 09, 2006

Moving Day 2006 Part II

Again. Let me stress the importance of staying in the home you are in now. It is fine, you can fix what you need too. Unless you have gun fire coming through your front window, stay where you are.

We are now official apartment dwellers. My parents and grandparents stepped in on Monday and Tuesday so I could leave the boys in good hands and focus on the move. I packed as few a items as possible for the "apartment experience." That way when we do move again I will not have to pack/move as much the second time. Brian decided that instead of packing at all, we will sell all of our items and then buy them new when we move. Somehow I don't think that will be cost efficient.

Brian and I moved ourselves the second time around. Just me and him. I think we are trying to see how far we can push ourselves before we totally crash. It was exhausting. We finished around 6:30 and had to take back the U-Haul truck and be at a meeting by 7:00 p.m. Our hostesses were gracious to not say anything about the smell we brought with us and we refused to admit that it actually was us and not the dogs that were following us around. After a good meal out, sans kids we fell asleep around 2 AM.

Aside from the rental houses losing renters, losing funding for those rental houses, needing about $2000 worth of repairs to them, Brian's flat tire, needing a new starter on the truck, speaking with a Cox representative about 4 hours in one day, returning THREE digital boxes, four hour road trip to pick up the kids, packing for a two week business trip, unpacking 30+ boxes and remembering to eat the week went by fast.

We are now back at my parents house. Before this big move and the sell of the house I had planned to spend two weeks with my parents for a mini vacation while Brian was away with the Army. I am working a VBS at my childhood church, attending/hosting a second bridal shower for my sister, visiting family members at the annual family reunion(the first of five for this year) and going to my cousin's baby shower. I would have just canceled and stay at the apartment with all that has been going on, but I really wanted to go to all that was mentioned. Brian will be back at the end of all the fun for four days when we head BACK AGAIN to my parents for the wedding of the year. Once the wedding is complete we are staying at my sister and brother in laws house while they are honeymooning to watch their dog.

At this point I am beginning to think I will never go home. Why am I paying rent?

I am homesick, sleep deprived and out of my element. I know "this to shall pass" but can it pass a little quicker?


Anonymous said...

sounds like you've been very busy.

Jenny said...

Yes. Yes, I have. BUT the wedding is SOON! YEAH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

your cool! and this is the best blog EVER.
haha- meridith