Cooper had his party at school today and I even brought Wyatt along to join in the fun. As soon as we arrived the kids were sitting on the carpet for circle time. Wyatt walked right in like it was his own classroom and had a seat right by his big brother. He participated in all the songs he could and was mesmerized by all the other kids. I snapped a picture of Wyatt singing his little heart out with Cooper sitting by his BFF(best friend forever)Jack. The friendship of Cooper & Jack deserves a post itself, so I will save that story for another time.
First crush: One of the moms told me she thinks her daughter, Madaline, has a crush on

One by one Cooper took out his Valentine's and would want to know who it was from. His favorite(s) were the ones with candy on it. He spent great detail on the decorations on his bag and wanted me to see every last part on it. Wyatt was content in playing with the train set and would come over to "oohhh and ahhhh" at all the things Cooper had to show.
How thrilling when your V-day is summed up in children's "Valemtimes" sacks!
We ate at Carrabbas and watch some poor young man throw his life away by asking his girl to marry him. They must have been drinking
It looks like the little girl in the first picture has a crush on Wyatt! Cooper looks so pretty, I know I should saw handsome, but he looks angelic in that picture! See you guys soon!
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