Friday, April 20, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away

The rain has left us for a day and I encouraged the boys to play outside. One of the top perks of being a homeowner again. They have been all over the yard running off all that energy so hopefully they will nap for much of the afternoon.

Brian has been working on putting together the swing set we got for almost a month now. I am beginning to think we will never have it completed and it will forever remain a bunch of pieces of wood scattered throughout the yard. Granted he was gone for four days, but with all the nonstop rain we have been having has made it impossible to work on it for an extended amount of time. Whenever it is done, it will be awesome!

We met with an ear/nose/throat specialist on Tuesday this week. Cooper has had an ear infection for three months now. He has went through four different prescriptions and none have taken it completely away. Our appointment was at 10 AM and we didn't get in to see the doctor until 11:45. I am not a patient person and it bothers me to the brink of insanity when doctors feel their time is more valuable then mine. Cooper did take a hearing test during that time which lasted about 20 minutes(no pass)otherwise we were sitting in a waiting room. The boys brought Hot Wheel cars and did pretty well making towns around the carpet and having other people step around them to get to the door. I wasn't going to make them move because they were being quiet, well except for the loud sirens of the ambulance and police cars.

I visited the receptionist's desk at least four times asking how much longer(she loved me I know). Brian showed up for his lunch time just when the patience of a four and almost three year old was coming to an end, thank goodness! He visited with the receptionist once and we were back with the doctor in about five minutes. NOTE: He claims he knows the right things to say, my thought is I had already waited an hour and 45 minutes and it was just our time!

The doctor was great with Cooper and took a while to look over the notes on what our pediatrician had written. We scheduled his surgery for April 30th for tubes. I thought we had already passed this hurdle considering his age. We never had trouble with ear infections until he turned four. Hopefully he will be none the wiser and the tubes will open up a whole new world to him.

Here is how we found Cooper sleeping one night, in our hallway. He had quietly made his way from the bedroom to the hall right behind our couch in the living room. He had brought his Spongebob pillow for his head and two other pillows to cover his body. I was completely unaware of how long he had been there before falling asleep or what shows he watched before drifting off. Either way, Grey's Anatomy or Sopranos is not a show I would want my four year old to see.

Ahhh, the weekend is almost here. We have plans to attend the local elementary carnival at the school tonight. Brian is involved in a wild hog hunt that might be televised, depending on the weather. Only in a small town!


jessica said...

I understand about the Dr. visits. I took Joel last week to see about having his "neckball" removed (that is what he calls his skin tag). I waited two hours and fifteen minutes and ended up leaving in tears because I refused to wait any longer.

You should consider a chiropracter. Taking Joel cleared up his infections when other meds would not.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh the picture of Cooper sleeping in the floor is so cute! Once I saw his blankie secured in his hand I HAD to laugh--it's great to see some things never change! :)
I understand the frustrations of doctors however I wouldn't be alarmed with the process of tubes. When they put Lance's in ON his 3nd birthday it was the best thing that could have happened! It took all of 10 minutes and with in days his speach and hearing had DRASTICALLY improved-as well as (knock on wood) no ear infections since then!! I'll keep you in my prayers! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is I'm talking about "speech" and can't even spell the word correctly! Boy Lance has hope huh?!?!?

This is why you ALWAYS preview before posting--not like me who posts then previews!!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

You and Brian shouldn't be watching Sopranos either. Let Brian know what his favorite mother-in-law said!


Anonymous said...

first time I've visited since January. Can't believe how much more grown up wyatt looks these days. I understand the patience thing too!!!!!!! I run errands while G's at preschool and I'm not feeding Brandon. Glad you're up and running. We just got back from our trip to KY so hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things too. Keep in touch! HUGS to you all. Jenny