Thursday, June 18, 2009

One Of A Kind Experience

Star Wars 2009 016

We spent several days at Epcot this year and had a wonderful experience with our trip ‘around the world’.  We bought the boys a passport when we first entered the park. At Disney’s Epcot Park they have a showcase of 11 different countries(Mexico, Norway, Japan, Germany, Italy, United States, France, Morocco, China, Canada and the United Kingdom)that you can ‘travel’ to and get a glimpse of things you would see.  When we would stop at a particular country we would find the Kid Spot where they had a person from that particular country who would stamp the passport and write a greeting to the child in their native language.  Once we looked around at the country we would pull out the passport again where the boys would put their stickers of the country’s flag and other snapshots of what we saw.  We broke the day into several so we could really enjoy what each place had to offer.  The second time we visited it was a lot less crowded and the guide could spend some time with the boys and really interact with them.  Cooper loved to hear what language they spoke and they would write his name in that language in his passport.



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The above pictures are what I captured over the two days.  Both boys loved their passports and took great care when putting the stickers into each one.  I enjoyed listening to our guides to learn something new about each country.  We would pretend fly to each location and the boys would take turns on who the pilot was and look at the map to determine where we were headed next.  It was great experience and went along perfect with what we had studied this year in history! 


Shelly Collins said...

Sounds like the best field trip ever! I loved Epcot.

Shelly Collins said...

Sounds like the best field trip ever! I loved Epcot.

Emily said...

Hi - I just caught up on your blog - you put my last month to shame! I am glad to see you guys had such a nice trip.
Also, what a stress about the allergies - I am so VERY thankful I have dodged that & really hate it for you. I am so glad you found out this early.
I hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Did you update the whole week I was gone?! It is taking me hours to catch up with all the Facebook and blogs and emails. I love the picture of the grandkids at VBS, too. Poor Abram looked so sad and a little confused in the picture of his arms at the allergist.

